Monday 13 July 2015


 Abia Facts Newspaper's photo.

All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) governor­ship candidate in the April elections in Abia state, Dr. Alex Otti, has said that the mandate free­ly given to him through the ballot by Abia voters was non-negotiable.
This was contained in a statement he issued in Umuahia, captioned, “‘’My governorship mandate non-negotiable, “as a means of debunking rumours making the rounds in Abia that he was holding secret talks with his opponents for a possible reconciliation to undermine his mandate . He said that the rumour was not true, describing it as baseless, blatant falsehood, wishful thinking of idle political job­bers and rumour peddlers .
Otti said that it was the hand work of his political detractors, who deliberately want to cause mischief and deceive unsuspecting mem­bers of the public.
“To negotiate away the mandate from Abia people, who trooped out in their numbers and voted for me because of their convic­tion and belief in my ability to bring about the desired change, would amount to a betrayal of the people’s trust. And rather than betray their trust, I am more embold­ened and resolute to explore all legal means possible to reclaim the stolen mandate in order to be able to fulfill my campaign promises to put smiles on faces of Abia people,” Otti said.
He said that different em­issaries from his opponents have continued to approach him for a truce but that he insisted that no amount of persuasion would make him to relinquish the mandate, adding that his stand is that justice and fair play must prevail .
“It is only after justice has been done that we can talk about reconciliation and for­giveness for those who con­spired to subvert the people’s wish, I leave them to God”, Otti said
He said that he advised the emissaries that came to him for reconciliation to first go and negotiate with all the Abia people that vot­ed for him and if they suc­ceed in persuading them to denounce the mandate they gave to him, then they can return to him for negotiation.
Otti urged all the party faithful and his teeming sup­porters to disregard the ru­mour and remain steadfast in their prayers, assuring that he has the capacity to realize the mandate .
He also urged them not to despair, stating, ‘’although weeping may endure for the night, joy comes in the morn­ing.’’
He expressed confidence in the ability of the tribunal to deliver justice in his favor, in view of the overwhelm­ing evidences in support of his petition. He restated his poise to “leave no stone un­turned in the struggle to lib­erate the state from the hands of the same cabal that plun­dered its fortunes in the past 16 years”.

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